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A phrasal verb is a pair of words that go together and act as a verb. For example, "give up" is a phrasal verb meaning to quit. Phrasal verbs are typically made of a verb + preposition. For example, "take on", meaning to be responsible for something, is made up of the verb "take" and the preposition "on". Often the meaning of a phrasal verb can vary from the meaning of the component parts. For example, "throw up" meaning to vomit would be quite hard to infer just from the 2 parts. Because of the subtle meanings, phrasal verbs can be a difficult area for language learners. To make this topic easier, check bellow a list of the 120 most useful phrasal verbs.

  • back down – stop demanding something

  • break down – stop working

  • break up – to end; to separate (a marriage / a relationship / etc.)

  • bring up (a child) – raise (a child)

  • bump into – to meet someone unexpectedly

  • call for – demand / request

  • call off – cancel (an event)

  • carry on – continue

  • catch on – to become popular (an idea or a style); to understand

  • cheer up – make happier

  • come across – find by chance

  • come into (money) – inherit

  • come round – come to your house

  • come up with (an idea) – think of and suggest an idea

  • come up – be mentioned, arise or appear (in class / an exam / a meeting)

  • count on – to rely on

  • cut down on – reduce the amount you consume

  • cut off – separate / isolate / interrupt

  • cut out – stop doing / eating something

  • do up – fasten, button up clothes; repair, redecorate or modernize a building or room

  • dress up – put on different clothes in order to disguise yourself

  • drop by – to visit informally or unexpectedly

  • drop off – to take something (or someone) to a place and leave it there

  • drop out – stop taking part in (a competition, a university, etc.)

  • end up – an end result of something planned or unplanned

  • fall for (someone) – fall in love with

  • fall out with (someone) – argue and stop being friendly with someone

  • find out – discover

  • follow up – find out more about something; take further action

  • get along with (someone) – have a good relationship with

  • get away (for the weekend) – go away for a period of time for a break

  • get away with – not be punished for doing something

  • get by – manage to survive / live

  • get on with (someone) – have a good relationship with

  • get on with (something) – start or continue doing something (especially work)

  • get over (someone) – recover after the end of a relationship with someone

  • get over (something) – recover from

  • get together – meet (usually for social reasons)

  • get rid of – eliminate

  • give away (secrets) – reveal

  • give back – return

  • give in (homework) – submit

  • give in (to someone’s requests) – agree to something you do not want to

  • give off (a smell) – produce and send into the air

  • give out (information) – announce or broadcast information

  • give out – distribute to a group of people

  • give up – to stop trying to do something (often because it is too difficult)

  • go along with – support an idea or agree with someone’s opinion

  • go off – explode; become bad (food)

  • go on – to continue

  • go out with – have a romantic relationship with someone

  • go through with – complete a promise or plan

  • grow apart – get distant from someone, like a friend

  • grow up – slowly become an adult

  • hand in – submit school work, submit documentation

  • hand out – to distribute to a group of people, usually free

  • hang around – to wait or spend time somewhere, doing nothing

  • hang out – spend time relaxing (informal)

  • hang up – to hang clothes or an object on a hook or line; to end a phone call

  • head for – go towards

  • hold back – prevent someone from making progress

  • hurry up – do something more quickly

  • keep on – to continue

  • let down – disappoint

  • let off – give someone a lighter punishment than they expected (or not punish at all)

  • look after – take care of

  • look down on – feel superior to

  • look for – try to find

  • look forward to – feel happy about something that is going to happen

  • look into – investigate

  • look up – find information about (e.g. a word in a dictionary)

  • look up to – admire and respect

  • make up for – compensate for

  • make up with (someone) – become friends again

  • make up (something) – invent (stories, excuses)

  • move on – change to a different job, activity or place

  • move out – stop living in a house or flat

  • pass out – lose consciousness

  • pay back – return money

  • pay for – purchase

  • pay off – finish paying for something; have a positive result from hard work

  • pick up – meet / collect someone (e.g. at the station / from school)

  • point out – to draw attention to something or someone

  • put away – put something back in the correct place

  • put off – postpone

  • put on (an event/a show) – organize an event

  • put on (clothes /make up) – place something on your body

  • put on (weight) – increase (weight)

  • put out – extinguish (e.g. fire)

  • put up (for the night) – accommodate

  • put up (your hand) – lift into the air

  • put up with – tolerate

  • rip off – charge someone too much for something

  • run into – meet by accident

  • run out of – use up (e.g. money, petrol, time)

  • set off – start a journey

  • set up – establish / start (e.g. a company)

  • show off – try to impress people by telling or showing them what you are capable of

  • shut down – to close

  • sort out – arrange or order by classes or categories; find a solution

  • stand for – to represent

  • stand out – be easy to see because of being different

  • take after (someone) – resemble a member of your family in appearance, behaviour or character

  • take off (something) – to remove from a surface or your body (clothes)

  • take off – leave the ground (e.g. a plane)

  • take on – attempt something new; employ

  • take over – take control of

  • take to – start to like, especially after only a short time

  • take up – start doing (a hobby)

  • tell off – speak angrily to someone who has done something wrong

  • throw away – get rid of something you do not need any more

  • turn back – return towards the place you started from

  • turn down – reject or refuse

  • turn into – to transform

  • turn off – to disconnect (e.g. a computer)

  • turn on – to connect (e.g. the TV)

  • turn up – arrive, usually unexpectedly, early or late

  • use up – finish a supply of something

  • wear out – to use something until it becomes unusable

  • work out – think about and find a solution; do exercise

Now you can practise with this fun game!!!

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